There are moments
in life when I know the decision
before me could change everything. I
call those "windows" of opportunity - a
fleeting moment when the quiet thought
to forgive or to bless someone is there
in my mind. The choice I have before
me is about listening and following the
thought or dismissing it as if it were
"just another thought." Our minds are
not our own, however, and these
"thoughts" come from opposing forces. We
should pay attention to them and chose
the side of goodness.
I have often
thought of this fleeting moment in time
when I was out in nature - fishing or
hiking - and the phenomenon of a moon
rise in the east while the sun is
setting in the west unfolded before me.
It is a moment of wonder for me when the
brilliant colors of the evening sun are
peaking at the moment the moon is at its
largest in the dimming sky. In my newest
painting, I've tried to capture this
moment for you to remind you of those
fleeting moments when we often dismiss
the thoughts to give and to share. May
His Light and Glory be evident on your
face and in your life in such a way that
people watching you have the same
response as they would to a Twilight
~ Mark Keathley
Summary Points:
Twilight is a time for reflection.
Just as the moon reflects on the water,
we should reflect our Father as we
influence others.
2. God
loves us to reflect His image on
everyone we touch. The way we talk
and act should be a reflection of Him.
Serenity comes from knowing that our
choices are in accordance with God so we
can enjoy His grace, His blessings, and
His beauty as He has given us in a
Twilight Moon. |