• Exclusive Release •
Artist Notes:
Sometimes the invasion simply comes. You didn’t do anything to deserve it. You were minding your own business, trying to carve a living out of the world and make a place for you and your family to rest and be at peace. The enemy comes in to take it away. He does not want us to live in peace or rest. He brings weapons against us that can destroy us from within. He causes us to doubt the goodness of God with his many attacks against us. We must be vigilant to take our stand, to raise our banner and declare – This is the day – It’s a good day to die – where we put it on the line and go to war against that which comes against us. Raise your hands and declare “No More!” to the enemy. Do not believe his lies or fall for his schemes. Don’t listen any longer to his empty accusations. You are a righteous warrior – son of the King – and you can take a stand and see His deliverance!
~ Mark Keathley
PRINTABLE PDF – A Time for War
36x36 SN 25 $1795 Framed or $1345 Unframed