18x27 SN 195 $895 Framed or $695 Unframed 18x27 AP 25 $1395 Framed or 1195 Unframed 24x36 SN 195 $1395 Framed or $1075 Unframed 24x36 AP 25 $1995 Framed or $1675 Unframed
PRINTABLE PDF – Light of Peace
From the Artist:
A wise man once said that our minds are like great bodies of water. Sometimes, numerous thoughts, stimuli, or emotions act like rough winds, beating our minds into waves resulting in confusion, anger, sadness, exhaustion, stress, sickness and all of the other problems we face. It is only when we surrender our hearts, let go of our cares, and be still that our soul becomes like it is intended to be… reflecting exactly what is above it. In this painting, we are reminded of “the peace that transcends all human understanding (Phil 4:7)” as we are dazzled by an almost impossible display of the heavens while it reflects on the perfectly peaceful glassy sea. To me, lighthouses have always held some symbolism to Jesus in that they shine in the storms, keep us from the rocks in life, offer a harbor in the storm, and guide us. Jesus said, “Peace I leave with you, my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled, and do not be afraid.” In this painting, the lights are on, and the pathway is lit for you to come in to the warmth of Christ’s love as ships from all corners of the sea and from all nations are being drawn to the glorious and everlasting “Light of Peace.”