From the Artist:
I’ve been told that great art flows from great pain. I entered my studio one gloomy day and had been really getting in the mud battling a problem I wish I could say I’ve conquered… anxiety. A scripture I read in Hebrews came to my mind, which says Christ was tempted in all points like we are, yet without sin. It warmed my heart that everything I was facing, Christ already went through and overcame. His time in the wilderness quickly became my next painting!
I don’t have room to write the whole story but it’s in Matthew 4:1-11 and Luke 4:1-13. Jesus was tempted with hunger and illness from 40 days of fasting. He was tempted with doubts
When I apply this painting to myself, I see the stones as my temptations in life, biggest to smallest. The temple reminds me that man-made religion and religious law without the Spirit and a relationship with Christ is perhaps one of the most overlooked temptations to ensnare one’s life. And when I look at the riches and glory of the kingdoms of the earth, I am reminded that He is my provider and not by the power of my own hand do I prosper.
~Abraham Hunter
18x27 SN 295 $895 Framed or $695 Unframed 18x27 AP 25 $1395 Framed or $1195 Unframed 24x36 SN 195 $1395 Framed or $1075 Unframed 24x36 AP 25 $1995 Framed or $1675 Unframed