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PRINTABLE PDF – Hiding Place
From the artist:
My day often starts with an abrupt alarm followed by a mental shock into the reality of all that I “have” to have done by the end of the day before I pick up my phone to see who said what to me and what disaster befell mankind somewhere across the world while I slept. Then, I get my caffeine rush to propel me until it’s time to reboot for the whole process to begin the next day. That scenario is actually a very good life compared to most in America! Overworked and overstressed, most of us just barely do what it takes to get through the work week. When the Psalmist felt overwhelmed, he wrote about a special place where he found comfort. He called his relationship with God, his “Hiding Place.” When we are too busy with ourselves, our problems become larger than they really are, and our cares choke out the joy that life’s journey holds. A secluded cabin, like in this painting, is the perfect spot to be still and let life come back in to perspective. I created this painting to be your hiding place, a place to go to cast your cares on Him. Psalm 119:114 “You are my hiding place and my shield; I wait for your word.” I hope that it brings your heart peace each time your eye steps inside and you go to your “Hiding Place.”